Is This the Right Person for the Job?

In a small business, everyone needs to be pulling much more than his or her own weight.  But it’s often hard to know if someone’s the right person for the job.  Nobody’s 100% perfect, but is this person good enough?  Would it be worth the hassle of finding someone else?

Whether you’re hiring a new person, or rethinking a veteran employee, here are the four things you need to consider.

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They’re smart

This person has the smarts necessary to succeed in this role.  They learn quickly, and they don’t make a lot of mistakes.  If you’re frequently retraining them, or fixing their work, this employee becomes more of a burden than an asset.

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They get stuff done

Smarts alone isn’t enough; you need someone who pushes the business forward.  Do they get stuff done without your having to nag?  Do they creatively find ways to solve problems, without needing your help?  Do they find opportunities to help the business that you haven’t even thought of?

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Teachable vs. intrinsic skills

If they’re lacking in certain skills, ask yourself if those skills are teachable or more intrinsic.  Certain things can easily be learned (time allowing)–like a computer program or a billing procedure.  However, other skills are much harder to build, like work ethic or how they treat customers.  Shortcomings in this second area are much more problematic.

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You believe they’ll work out long-term

Sometimes my clients can’t decide if this person is ever going to work out.  What I often find is, deep down they know this person isn’t going to work out, and they’re dreading firing & replacing them.  Because yeah, it’s horrible.  It’s one of the worst parts of our job.

If this person is unlikely to ever really get up to speed, cut your losses now.  Constantly struggling with an employee is a drain on you and on the rest of the team.  While it may be harsh, and you’ll need to do the work to find a replacement, it will save you both a ton of headache and heartache in the long run. 


Share Your Thoughts

What’s been your experience evaluating your team members?  What other tips do you have to share with fellow business owners?  Let us know by leaving a comment below!

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