Formula for a Killer Elevator Pitch

Want people to perk up and say WOW! when they hear your elevator pitch?  Here’s a simple formula.

First of all, beware of some common errors people make when introducing themselves:

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  • Putting themselves into a box by saying “I’m a ___[your profession here]___.”
  • Giving a laundry list of the services they offer
  • Telling a long story about how their business came to be
  • Rambling


Bottom line:  If you’re missing any of the key ingredients in a powerful elevator pitch, you are losing sales opportunities!

Get a Free Copy of my Elevator Pitch Template

Elevator Pitch WorksheetTo help you turn heads, I put together a simple and powerful one-page worksheet.  Follow the instructions and you’ll construct a killer elevator pitch.  This was originally published in the Manhattan Quarterly.

Enter your info below, and you’ll immediately receive a free copy of the worksheet via email.  Have fun with it!  I’ll also include you on my free, twice-monthly Bite Sized Business Tips for faster & smarter business growth.


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